Color inspiration of the day is Bee Balm (Monarda) from hair dye to a graphic designers color breakdown.
In the area of the web, a general rule is that all colors should be in RGB format. On the other hand, print media is rooted in CMYK or Pantone spot colors. The truth is that, despite the gap, one can get pretty close to matching colors in web and print. Alas, it is never a perfect process as colors do not end up looking identical. This is one of the main obstacles that designers face.
The hair color inspiration of Bee Balm is the percentage of the following. Hair recipe is based on starting with a hair color of classic brown #4 bleached to blonde #6 with heavy orange overtones.
Vector Mandala Digital Art file Motif (Digital File) Contains everything you need to start creating beautiful mandala art serpentine designs
Vector Mandala Digital Art Design is available for purchase at nancystoreonline.comThe Mandala evokes the collective archetype of the circle, with no beginning, no end. It is inclusive, as Egypt’s richly polytheistic culture tended to accommodate, rather than to exclude. The mandala is found universally; All cultures use the circle in their art and religious symbolism. The circle is inherent in the human unconscious.
Perfect for logos, posters, print advertisements and on the web. Complex complementary color palette.The Borders and frames have a unique design, and can easily be adapted to fit any rectangular or square shape. Some designs are 100% vector and have editable strokes which allow you to change the weight/thickness of the lines.
FEATURES: contains 8 file format mandala design AI, PDF, EPS, JPEG, PNG, SVG, DXF, WMF – High Resolution 800 dpi scalable vector format- 300 DPI for photographs- AI format Adobe Illustrator required for editing or compatible software that would accept an AI file copywrite law: You are not allowed to claim this file as your own or resell the files. Can be used for Commercial reasons. The licensed asset can appear in up to 5,000 end products for sale : -Up to 5,000 physical or artistic design digital end products for sale-One business social media account owned and managed by the licensee-Unlimited physical advertisements for local markets-Digital paid advertisements with unlimited impressions-Broadcast and streaming for up to 500,000 lifetime viewersCannot be used for:-Native apps, web apps, or games For more mandala art designs to purchase check out my
Out of all the gluten free cookie recipes the Rainbow Spiral Cookie is the best. These colorful swirled cookies will take your gluten free sugar cookie recipe game to a whole new level! They are made just like a jelly roll cake. All you do is roll and slice away.
1/2 cup granulated sugar 2 tbsp. confectioner’s sugar 1/4 tsp. salt 2 cups of one to one gluten free flour baking mix (I get the best gluten free flour at rainbow non pareils 1 large egg 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1/4 tsp. almond extract 1 cup unsalted butter room temperature red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple food coloring
1. Mix together granulated sugar, confectioner’s sugar, and salt in a bowl. In a separate bowl, combine the egg and vanilla extract. Set both bowls aside. 2. Beat the butter with an electric mixer until pale light and fluffy. Add the sugar mixture and whip until you know their are air bubbles -light and fluffy. Gradually add the flour and mix until just combined. 3. Divide the dough into 2 balls and set one ball aside this will be your white spiral. Divide the other ball into 6 pieces and dye each the color of the rainbow or any color combo you see fit.
4. Create two layers. the uncolored dough on top of a silicone sheet rolled out into a 10 x 12 inch rectangle. Roll each colored ball of dough into a long sausage shape and line them up on another silicone sheet 10 x 12 inch. Gently press together and place another silicone sheet on top. Roll out into a rectangle. Stack the sheets and put in fridge for 1 hour.
5. Remove uncolored dough silicone top. Flip the rainbow dough on top of the uncolored dough. Trim the edges. Position the dough with the long edge facing you and roll the dough away into a spiral. Wrap with silicone sheet or plastic wrap and place in freezer for one hour.
6. Slice the dough into 1/4 inch thick slices and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake at 325*F for 15 minutes, until the edges are golden. Cool for a few minutes and enjoy. Absolutely the best gluten free cookies.
If you like this gluten free baking recipe check out my Lane Cake an American Classic
Pysanky, these Ukrainian Easter eggs are decorated using the wax-resist (batik) method. Covered in stunning motifs often taken from Slavic folk art
Pysanky (plural form of pysanka) is from the Ukrainian word “pysaty” meaning “to write.” Pysanky eggs are hand-drawn creations—first in pencil using guidelines to section off eggshells into a grid pattern, and then with detail within the grid. Afterward, pencil lines are covered with beeswax using a stylus or writing pen called a kistka and dipping in dyes of progressively darker shades. Similar to the batik work done on fabric. The last step is to remove the wax with a candle flame to reveal the beautiful design hidden beneath.
But the intricacy of the design is not the only thing that makes a pysanka beautiful. Even simple patterns can be just as striking as detailed ones. The key to beautiful traditional decorating for easter pysanka is symmetry and precision (although symmetry does not always play a role in contemporary patterns). By precision, I mean that the design is drawn within a grid that has been laid out meticulously, I use a lathe and see-through the ruler/stencil for drawing circles. If a pysanky is only divided in half, each half will measure exactly. Similarly, in quadrants, each will measure the same. The entire design, whether simple or detailed, depends on these first measurements to be exact. This is especially important if the egg will be very intricate.
If you have decorated an egg, then you have participated in one of the oldest decorative arts. Archaeologists have long known of egg art if the form of decorated ostrich shell pieces and empty eggs in Africa of great antiquity, found in tombs or archaeological digs, but they did not know how old this custom was. In 2010 an important find was announced that a team led by Pierre-Jean Texier found a cache of decorated ostrich eggs in layers in South Africa dating from 65,000 to 55,000 years before the present. They had been whole shells but crushed into fragments over time. These eggs were likely used for storing water, as hunter-gatherers of the Kalahari desert do even today. It is speculated that the designs might have been the mark of individual owners of the shells. An interesting find was that the scratched decorations on the eggs changed over time. Earlier eggs had cross-hatched designs that looked like railroad tracks. Later designs used finer parallel scratches inside of lines. Archaeologists have unearthed ceramic decorated eggs in Ukraine dating circa 3,000 B.C. For those ancients worshiping the sun god Dazhboh, decorated eggs were an affirmation of spring following a harsh winter. The eggs were also considered protection against illness and other forms of misfortune.
When Ukrainians adopted Christianity in circa 988, the practice of easter egg decorations continued but with the focus on Easter. Every egg coloring design has meaning. In the first century A.D. Christians took the ancient legend of the phoenix (one symbol of the sun to the Egyptians) as a sign of the resurrection[i]; in illustrations the bird stands on the egg from which it has risen. Hence, the Easter egg. The first color used to dye Easter eggs was red, symbolizing blood and its life-giving qualities. For several centuries early Christians observed all the traditional Jewish festivals, and thus Easter and Passover coincided. Colored eggs are also used in some Passover celebrations, but whether it was a tradition borrowed from Christianity or not remains a mystery. In ancient China eggs, dyed scarlet, were given as gifts in the spring. A circle represents the sun and integrity, also nature’s triumph over evil. Dots stand for the future. A star or “rosetta” is used to convey life itself, the source of light, beauty and perfection. Triangles are air, fire and water. Straight lines indicate eternal life.
There is meaning to the colors, too. White represents purity, birth, light and rejoicing. Green is fertility and hopefulness, the sun and life’s joys. Purple means faith, trust and patience. Black symbolizes constancy, eternity and the dark before dawn. Throughout history, eggs have been at various times magical, protective, divine — even evil, and they are an obvious fertility symbol. In Buddhist, Taoist and certain Russian rituals they are offered to the dead as representations of the revitalizing powers of nature.
I think the best learning egg dyeing videos are from Lorie Powpow master pasanky artist. Some tips of mine for in addition to Lorie are: 1) Double down on yellow aniline dye, 2) use a 1 tsp citric acid and 4oz of distilled water and submerge egg for 15min to remove egg membrane and make a perfect canvas, 3) use magic eraser Mr Clean sponge and a drop of water to remove pencil lines never use a rubber eraser. 4) if you love it invest in an electric kistka (wax pen).
How to draw pysanky designs. Here below is a step by step illustration for a few easter egg designs for pdf download.
The current Pysanka Museum building was built in 2000 in the western Ukrainian city of Kolomyia, Ivano-Frankivska Oblast. Previously the pysanka collection had been housed in the Kolomyia church of the Annunciation. The museum is part of the National Museum of Hutsulshchyna and Pokuttya Folk Art. The central part of the museum is in the shape of a pysanka (Ukrainian Easter egg). This is the only museum in the world dedicated to the pysanka, and it has become a calling card of the city. In August 2007 the museum was recognized as a landmark of modern Ukraine.
It’s no mystery that graphic designers wear many hats to get the job done. I fell into a side hustle of jewelry design and after some time taking care of an 8 and 10-year-old princess, crowns became a big thing. So I got to thinking and before you know it partnered up with a factory called CAFFEINE and created one. Introducing the ELIZABETH crown. A new product was created in collaboration with CAFFEINE Factory. We created some vintage-style baroque crowns inspired by Northwest European culture. Gold and diamond Swarovski crystal crown. The tiara is suitable for weddings or other celebrations, princesses, pageants, bridesmaids. Fabulous crown. Has a great weight and a lot of sparkles! A truly stunning tiara full of beautiful detailing with varying-sized crystals. Timelessly elegant, and breathtakingly gorgeous piece using the best materials available very high quality.
Tips About Computer Repair because of a Broke Down Graphics Day
This is a story about computer repair while in the Central Swartekill Wetlands. Once in a while, you find yourself in a remote region with little access to amenities. I was exploring the Swarte Kill in New York. Central Swartekill Wetland (also known as Plutarch Swamp), is one of the more beautiful regions that I don’t think too many people know about. All along Plutarch Rd is a heavily dense wild natural region with an abundance of wildlife, a bird migration route, different types of Red Hawk raptor and, an environmentally protected snapping turtle region, with additional rare species.
I was set up in a cabin about to edit the pictures for the day and my cord dies. Then my backup cord dies and I have about 2 hours left before my laptop shuts down.
Being a hardened graphic designer who was used to the speed of being in a NYC “graphics ring” I quickly McGuivered a power cord.
If you read any basic electronic manual, you’ll notice that an anti-static wrist strap is one of the first things that they recommend. But it’s often the most neglected. If you plan on doing any work with your electronics, you should make sure that you pick one up.
I pried open the shell casing with a spudger, then I used a Satco 90-099 Chain Pliers to open it up further.
Then I frankensteined. Swapping all the working parts around, playing with a soldering tool, and triple-checking polarities.
So glad it works. I wonder if I can stick computer repair under my resume. At the very least I can maintain my equipment in a pinch. The motherboard is certified apple OEM, and the cords are from Hong Kong.
IFIXIT this is the closest manual instructions for repair that I could find. Ifixit is a place that has repair guides for every thing, written by everyone. This is my favorite site for computer repair.
Macrumors News, rumors, discussions, a place to ask questions and how to instructions.
Upon completion of my computer repair I returned to my nature project of taking pictures of wildlife and making color studies of Plutarch Swamp
Vernal Pools and What I Learned from Observing Like an Artist.
The most important thing about Plutarch Swamp are the Vernal pools. They are a common, but threatened habitat type in the Hudson River Estuary corridor. They are often damaged because they are overlooked or not appreciated by landowners, or in environmental reviews for development. Vernal pools and their surrounding terrestrial areas provide critical habitat for a number of amphibians and invertebrates, some of which breed only in vernal pools. Vernal pools are the only significant breeding areas for Jefferson salamander, spotted salamander, marbled salamander, and wood frog. Other typical users include spring peeper, spadefoot toad, gray treefrog, American toad, and other amphibians that depend on pond habitats for reproduction.
source: Jakim and McGlinn Geography SUNY-New Paltz, IFIXIT,, New York Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University, some photo credits by Adirondack Council and Cornell university
As to the potential and versatility that digital devices provide, there’s nothing like sitting down with a good book.
With all the various forms of printed media, it is an occasional relief to pick up something tactile once in a while to read. Nothing else compares to this print form. It sets out everything you need to know in an organized and complete way that ensures that nothing essential gets left out. Whether you’re interested in studying the fundamentals of graphic design or developing your existing skills, it’s worth investing in some excellent design books. Here are my favorites.
1) The Uncommon Life Of Common Objects: Essays on Design and the Everyday Hardcover – by Akiko Busch
A look at how design influences and responds to our changing lives, and a study of society and its values and the infusion of meaning into inanimate objects.
2) 4. Logo Modernism (Design) – Jens Muller, R. Roger Remington
When we start analyzing the aesthetics for architecture and art then apply them to product design we recognize a time of vast technological advance that affirms the power of human beings to reshape their environment and to break from the conventions or constraints of the past. From 1940-1980 this book takes a comprehensive look at the scope of post-modernism attitudes that gave birth to the concept of corporate identity.
3) Anatomy of Color: The Story of Heritage Paints & Pigments by Patrick Baty
Colour is a fundamental part of design, but knowing how to use it is also about learning its deep historical roots and how colour functions within a society as custom. I think all creatives should read this comprehensive and detailed book, focusing on the use of colour in decoration for over 300 years. Patrick Baty is a combination of skills such as historian, detective, and analyst. He traces the evolution of pigments and paint colours, and examines their impact on the colour palettes used in interiors. In doing so, he highlights the characteristic colour trends and styles of painting particular to each time period in interior design.
The Baker Miller Pink Study Appetite Suppressant In 1979, Dr. Alexander G. Schauss, experimented with the use of a particular shade of pink and its effect on mood and behavior. The color is frequently called baker miller pink paint. It was found that this pink color was associated with a short-term decrease in aggression.
Baker-Miller. They “observed relaxation of the subjects when they stared at an 18 by 24-inch cardboard plate” of this color of pink. They found that no other color consistently resulted in the same relaxation. Dr. Schauss then did some experiments on himself. He observed that his blood pressure, pulse, and heart rate were unaffected by exposure to this shade of pink. However, “after intentionally increasing cardiovascular activity through a series of intense physical exercises, [he] found that this color had a marked effect on lowering [his] heart rate, pulse, and respiration as compared to other colors.”
Stress Relief If you are stressed, you may want to look at a page of Baker-Miller Pink to see if it relaxes you. If it does you can print the page and carry it with you to look at any time you need some stress reduction. The exact color of Baker-Miller Pink was experimented with by Strauss. Hundreds of shades of pink were sorted through. He finally zeroed in on the color that he named Baker-Miller pink as the one which gave the most consistent results in “reducing hyperexcitability.” Could Baker-Miller Pink Also Reduce Aggression? He then wondered that, since the color pink could reduce his heart rate, blood pressure, and pulse (when they were intentionally elevated), could it affect aggressive behavior?
He attempted to convince officials at the Washington State Department of Corrections to try painting the receiving rooms at a correctional facility the color pink to determine if it had any effect on aggressive behavior. Not surprisingly, officials balked at his color suggestion. However, two brave soles were willing to give it a try. In 1979, Commander Miller and Warden Gene Baker at the U.S. Naval Correctional Center in Seattle painted the walls and ceiling of one admissions cell the color pink that Dr. Schauss would later name after them. After 156 days, they reported to the U.S. Navy’s Bureau of Naval Personnel, Law Enforcement and Corrections Division, Washington, D.C. that “Since the initiation of this procedure on March 1, 1979, there have been no incidents of erratic or hostile behavior during the initial phase of confinement.” They found that an exposure of 15 minutes or less was all that was needed to reduce aggression in the detainees. They also discovered that the effect lasted at least another 30 minutes after leaving the Pink Room, which made it easier for the officials to complete their paperwork and assign the detainee to a permanent cell without having to deal with aggressive behavior. Reduction in Strength Dr. Schauss also discovered that the calming effect reduced the strength of the subjects. Experiments were conducted which demonstrated that people were able to lift less weight after gazing at Baker-Miller Pink than they could before they looked at it. In the 1980’s the television show ‘That’s Incredible’ had men gaze at a blue poster, then a pink one. After gazing at the pink one, they were able to hold less weight in their outstretched arms. This reported loss of strength has been used in interesting ways.
As reported in “The Hawk Eye,” May 26, 1998, when Hayden Fry, was the coach of the University of Iowa’s football team, he had the visiting team’s locker room painted pink in an attempt to make the other team weak and less aggressive. The Western Athletic Association put a stop to that by making a rule that the home team and visiting locker rooms could not be painted different colors. Baker-Miller Pink – a Natural Appetite Suppressant The U.S. Naval Office of Research in Washington, D.C. conducted further research over the next four years at the Health, Weight, and Stress Clinic at John Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. These experiments were overseen by Maria Simonsen, M.D., the Clinic’s Director. Experiments on stress reduction by the use of Baker-Miller Pink were conducted on 1,700 subjects. They found another interesting effect. The subjects who were there for stress reduction reported Baker-Miller Pink to be an appetite suppressant. Experiments on other subjects who were there not seeking stress reduction but rather a method of weight control confirmed the same results in one-third of the subjects.
Dr. Schauss then conducted further research in 1979 at the Santa Clara, California, County Jail. The first day the staff left inmates in painted pink cells with Baker-Miller Pink for several hours. The inmates scratched the paint off the walls with their fingernails! “Otherwise, no aggressive or aberrant behavior was observed.” After that, they limited the time to 15 minutes. The experiments gathered more information. First, they learned that the color was far more effective in an 8′ X 10′ cell than in the larger holding cell. Second, they learned that the color was more effective with only one inmate in the room. Experiments on Psychiatric Patients Later that year, at the Veterans Administration Medical Center, Los Angeles, Adam Coutts, Chief of Management Sciences conducted experiments with psychiatric patients. He painted rooms in the psychiatric ward different colors. One of them was painted Baker-Miller Pink. “After several months of study, he felt enough evidence had been collected to support the U.S. Naval Correctional Center’s findings that he advocated the need for a long term study.” Remarkable Results With Aggressive Youth. New Observations After this, experiments were conducted by Chief Clinical Psychologist, Paul Boccumini, Ph.D., Director of Clinical Services at the San Bernadino, California, County Probation Department. At the Kuiper Youth Center, he assigned staff nurses to observe the subjects. They placed 27 “obstreperous youth” in rooms painted Baker-Miller Pink. The rest were placed in other colored rooms. They made significant new observations during this experiment. After 2-3 minutes in the Pink Room, subjects became less verbally aggressive. This was true “regardless of the degree of aggressive verbal or physical behavior” before being placed in the rooms. After 5-6 minutes, “each youth would desist from using either physical violence (i.e., kicking the door, hitting or pounding of the walls, etc.) or continue self-mutilative behavior.” After 8-9 minutes, “each youth would assume a relaxed sitting position or lay on his or her back, spread out on the floor while frequently looking at the ceiling.” Within 10 minutes, “each youth sufficiently calmed down so that he or she could be returned to the main hall.”
Toshiko Takaezu (1922-2011) lived most of her life in rural New Jersey, where she made pots, gardened, and taught ceramics at nearby Princeton University.
She was born in Hawaii to Japanese parents, and the landscapes and traditions of the world she grew up in had a profound influence on her art. In the late 1990s, I spent time talking to Toshiko about her life and work. We had met at the Charles Cowles Gallery in 1997 who was representing her and I was lucky enough to be the intern at the gallery at the time. I helped catalog her work and began to understand her philosophy of meditation as a process as she worked, silence was at the core during this time for her magnificent large sculptures Moonpots. To close the form of a vessel demanded a type of silence.
Toshiko Takaezu pottery has an incredible kiln firing process and unique accidental glazing process. Before closing the forms, she dropped a bead of clay wrapped in paper inside, so that the pieces would rattle when moved. The most important part of her ceramic pieces is the hollow space of air within. She relates this to the idea that what’s inside a person is the most important.
She retired in 1992 to become a studio artist, living and working in the Quakertown section of Franklin Township, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, about 30 miles northwest of Princeton. In addition to her studio in New Jersey, she made many of her larger sculptures at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York. She lived in Hawaii for 10 years and died March 9, 2011 in Honolulu
toshiko takaezu signature
An artist is a poet in his or her own medium. And when an artist produces a good piece, that work has mystery, an unsaid quality; it is alive.
Lovely and elegant simple rose quartz crystal hair stick, with crystal and Pantone 2016 colors rose quartz set into a tiped 24k gold end. 8.25 inches long, All natural handmade organic Apple Wood.
Rose Quartz Crystal semi precious stones and Apple Wood 24k gold leaf detail. Hand sanded, saturated with organic beeswax and polished. Made of natural material it is “hairfriendly” and 100% safe. Wood texture in nature is never repeated, so that each hair stick is unique.
About Apple Wood
Apple Wood has abundant lore. A wood of immortality, peace and prosperity, magic of light and the divine. Apple Wood provides illumination and aids in the acquisition of knowledge. Man’s relation to apple trees dates back to prehistoric times. Petrified remains of apple slices on saucers have been found in tombs dating back over 5,000 years. The Greeks and Romans planted apple trees throughout their respective empires. The healing properties of apples were recognized by traditional healers wherever the tree appeared.
Hair Sticks and Quartz Crystal Bracelet available by Nancy Tranter