Sometimes an Art Deco Chandelier only needs a light cleaning to remove superficial dirt leaving the original lacquered finish intact.
The Moe Bridges Chandelier arrived from the flea market with the bobeshes and beaded crystal trim missing. The wiring was from 1910 and the finish was irregular. I acquired the Art Deco Chandelier from a demolition expert working on a house in Sterling, Illinois. If you can find yourself a demolition expert in the midwest the restoration becomes affordable and worth it.
The whole project cost me 38$ not including paint and wiring. The Restoration of the polychrome arms was going to be tricky. I used a mild ketchup solution (that’s right ketchup!) which is great for cleaning paint. I left the ketchup on overnight and gently washed it away with warm water in the morning the brass and chrome were shining. Don’t use chemicals for cleaning paint you run the risk of removing it. The girls had a blast squeezing ketchup everywhere. The photographs speak for themselves.
I first started repainting the molded iron body. Matching the original color was not as hard as I thought in 1910 there were fewer enamel choices and the company Moe Bridges recorded the colors and they are readily available in many places. Next came the verdigris removal. I used a soft tip dremmel and took my time there was a minimaI amount of lost metal. Then I rewired using porcelain fittings and 16AWG UL wire with copper grounding.
Art Deco Chandelier Lighting can make or break your kitchen interior scheme make sure you take the time out to design for ambient, task, mood, accent, and decorative.
I’m about to install dimmer switches their inexpensive and can give me a wide range of ambient overhead chandelier options. This bolsters my light from the 2′ x 4′ skylight I have. Next is ‘Task’ lighting to ensure safe food prep’ built-in light is under the cabinets. I have an open-concept kitchen. Using ‘Mood’ lighting is a great way to solve the problem. Battery-timed wall sconce candle is a great choice for mood lighting. Avoid fabric-covered lighting ideas as these absorb grease and smells and keep lamps off counters to free up work zones.
sources: ebay, essortment’s channel,, colin and justin, pricedownmall