Gyeongju, the capital of the kingdoms of Old Silla the Golden Kingdom of Korea (57 B.C.–668 A.D.) and Unified Silla (668–935), is dotted with impressive mounds of royal tombs. Their occupants range from kings, queens, and princes to relatives and nobility blessed into the inner circles of power.
From the time of their construction, the tombs of Silla the Golden Kingdom of Korea have stood as symbols of political authority and cultural grandeur. Beyond objects of splendor, gold ornaments from Silla tombs also served as status symbols. Whereas gold earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and rings were appropriate accessories for both royalty and nobility, gold crowns and belts were reserved for the royal family. Furthermore, the objects’ quality and design reflected the social and political rank of the deceased, so that a king’s cache is indisputably more dazzling and complex than those of royal kin or an aristocratic leader. To some degree, burial objects were also gender-coded. Decorative swords, for example, have been found only in the tombs of males. In general, however, many jewels, including elaborate earrings and necklaces, were made for members of both sexes.
The Silla practice of building large mound-tombs and interring scores of gold ornaments gradually declined following the official adoption of Buddhism as the state religion in 528. Instead, cremation became the standard postmortem practice. Accordingly, urns replaced jewelry as the main burial accouterment. By the end of the sixth century, opulent ritual accessories made of gold and other precious metals were destined for Buddhist temples rather than royal tombs.
Limited editions of jewelry inspired pieces from the Silla the Golden Kingdom of Korea Kingdom can be found at my store

Gold Earring Ornaments At the Bomundong Double Burial in Gyeongju and the ones in Geumjochong Tomb in Yangsan excavation.

You can check out more about the National Museum of Korea here and see how to get there using public transports. It is in Seoul, so it is quite easy to find. For more in depth information on my graphic design click here
source: Jansen Art History Text, National Museum of Korea
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